About Us

This is who we are

We Influence To Transform

Coaches of Influence was founded in the year 2017 however; our brand ambassador and team have several years of coaching, training and a life-time experience of being positive influencers. Our reason for existence focuses on the core principles of human value – “living a fulfilled life”.

There are several companies that provide services to influence people, but Coaches of Influence sets itself apart with a story, mission and vision that goes far beyond the service to cultivating a culture of Influence and producing ultimate influencers. We are firm believers that Influence coaching adds a key ingredient to successful transformation in the lives of people, nations and organizations. Therefore; we embrace the concept of ‘coaching’ because we know that we can show people what they can become even if they feel accomplishment is a far-fetched dream.

Our Story

Coaches of Influence was founded in the year 2017 however; our brand ambassador and team have several years of coaching, training and a life-time experience of being coaches of influence. Our reason for existence focuses on the core principles of human value – “living a fulfilled life”.

Our journey of becoming successful coaches of influence started with the experience we derived from our home and society. The seed of influence received from others has become the foundation of our journey to become influencers. If you are wondering why we started the company, the answer is simple: Collectively, we have a burning desire to leave our positive mark on the world and to us, that can only be achieved by helping others learn how to identify, develop, nurture and apply their gift of influence to make a difference in their lives and those of others. We understand what it takes to be a positive influencer because our skills did not just occur to us. We have been shaped from our foundation by positive influencers and we want to invest in others in order to duplicate the positive influence culture.

Dr. Margaret Ellis

International Coach of Influence
Brand Ambassador | CEO | Speaker | Coach | Consultant | Teacher | Trainer | Leadership Coach

Dr. Margaret Ellis is the CEO and brand ambassador of Coaches of Influence. She has several years of coaching, training and a life-time experience of being an influencer. She is an accomplished leader, speaker, facilitator, coach and teacher who has a deep passion and vision to help people awake their unique talents and unlock their full potential. She has adapted the belief that “positive influence can lead people to commitment to a higher ‘purpose’” and since influence does not exist where people are not valued, she advocates for investment in developing the world’s most valuable asset - mankind.

The knowledge earned through her journey of personal and professional growth has taught Dr. Ellis that “walking or living in ‘purpose’ simply means intentionally aligning what a person does (actions) in this world with what he/she was created, designed, empowered, and equipped to do to contribute his/her quota to the advancement of humanity”. Based on this knowledge, she has nurtured a burning passion to empower, partner and teach people how to become a person of influence in both in their professional and personal life.

She is a devoted entrepreneur and influence coach who has built a track record of successfully developing and implementing innovative, effective and applicable solutions and strategies for success. She is a great contributor to human development which shines through her contribution to valuable organizations across the globe. In addition to serving at different capacities in seven non-profit organizations, she also serves as a board of advisor for the continent of Africa and an appointed Inter-Faith Peace Ambassador for iChange Nations along with her recent appointment as World Civility Ambassador.

Dr. Ellis can be described in many ways however; she is branded as being passionate, driven, nurturing and an ultimate influencer who always seeks opportunities to help others discover and walk in their purpose.

This is what we stand for

We Influence To Transform

Statement of Purpose

Coaches of Influence is committed to helping individuals, groups, nations and organizations to pursue and achieve their purpose and meet their ultimate goals through positive influence coaching, teaching and modeling.

We are dedicated to reaching our goals through the application of motivational techniques that will influence positive behaviors so that individuals, groups, nations and organizations can reach their highest potential.


Our reason for existence is inspired by the innate desire to build an empire of influencers and help individuals, groups, nations and organizations to walk in their custom-designed destiny.

The mission of Coaches of Influence is to cultivate a culture of influence in people through teaching, coaching and training influence. We provide a unique experience to the customers and clients we serve by focusing on the needs of the world’s most valuable assets – people. Additionally, we are committed to empower people, nations and organizations on the planet to achieve success in life.


Our mission statement begins with a simple concept connoting that our vision is to transform lives and impact the world positively. We strongly believe that Coaches of Influence has a special niche which meets the critical needs of people living in such a dark age.

We aspire to contribute to the advancement of humanity through our commitment to influence all to discover and walk in their potential. We want to:

• Be a global institution that is highly trusted to equip people to become ultimate influencers through our training and certification programs.

• Bring influence in every interaction and inspire others to grasp the revelation that if they have the breath of life in them, they are capable of being a positive influencer and can positively contribute to the advancement of humanity.

• Become the voice that will advocate for positive influence and be the anchor through which people will learn how to nurture their natural gift of influence to transform lives, nations and organizations.

This is what we do

We Influence To Transform

..What people say about our Brand Ambassador